
Waves of worry. They come and they go. There is no rhythm or rhyme and they feel different every time.
This was especially true for us as a family navigating cancer. thoughts would float in and consume me, and then they would float out again. I remember going to the Blue Mountains on a family day adventure during my treatment phase and thought how uplifting it was to focus my attention on something other than the “C”.
But I am also a deep believer in experiencing emotions that don’t feel comfortable. So when our worry wave crashed on top of our family, we would sit in it. We would talk about it. And we would breathe through it together.
I want my girls to experience and know that difficult are difficult. They should feel difficult and uncomfortable. We shouldn’t rush past them without acknowledging this. This is where learnings are most vivid, and can connect life-long dots of emotional well-being for little ones.
So, when Neve and I were creating the My Mum deck, we spoke about this exact experience.
And breathing through it together ♥