There was not one single thought which crossed my mind that I would be going in for my final operation 18 months after my mastectomy and DIEP. I knew that there would need to be ongoing adjustment in the early stages, but I honestly had no idea I would still be in this situation 18 months after my surgical oncology treatment.

In Aug 2022, I had my final reconstructive surgery. I woke up in recovery and had tears streaming down my face, the poor recovery nurse thought something was terribly wrong with my pain. It wasn’t physical pain, in fact I couldn’t feel any discomfort at all, but I think my pain threshold has skyrocketed in the last 18 months; it was a huge sense of overwhelm and relief in knowing I can move forward knowing this chapter of my story is over. I know many are not fortunate enough in reaching this phase, and this also was in my thoughts, reflecting on everyone fighting this fight and the different stages which spark different emotions. I am so incredibly grateful I have had the opportunity to lay this chapter closed and now move forward with a new sense of light, helping those who are in the shoes I previously wore.
Along with the darkness in which cancer spreads, there are superheros who shine light along the way. And this lady, Kat, was one of them. She was the one who scooped crushed ice into my mouth when I couldn’t even lift my arms following my mastectomy and DIEP to now, giving me a hug on my way out. A full circle and a wonderful experience of closure. I am forever grateful of your kindness and care Kat xx